About IR Strategy Office


The purpose of IR (Institutional Research) at Nagoya University is to collect and analyze information on on-campus and off-campus organizations, education, research, etc., and to support efficient and effective planning, strategy development, evaluation, and decision-making at the university.

Institutional Research was established at Nagoya University in April 2016 under the supervision of the President in order to formulate measures based on evidence-based strategic resource allocation, and since then we have collected data, analyzed them, and studied measures related to matters such as faculty educational burden, acquisition of research funds, and research results.

In order for Nagoya University to further strengthen its world-class research and educational capabilities, promote internationalization and gender equality, and enhance its social engagement and financial base, it will become increasingly important to set goals and develop strategies for evidence-based education, research, finance,, social engagement and other activities.

The IR Office was established to provide "a viewpoint to overlook the entire university" and was reorganized in April 2020 in order to collect and analyze information on matters such as on-campus and off-campus organizations, education, and research, as well as to develop proposals based on the results of those analyses.


In the IR office, URAs (University Research Administrators) and administrative staff jointly collect and analyze on-campus and off-campus information in collaboration with Institutional Research at the Tokai National Higher Education and Research System (THERS). Our activities support efficient and effective planning, strategy formulation, evaluation, and decision-making at the University.

Faculty Profiles Database Development Support and Operations Management

In order to publish Researcher Profiles listing the degrees and achievements of faculty members as required by the Ordinance for Enforcement of the School Education Act, we have introduced the Faculty Profiles Database (Faculty Profiles/Profiles of Researchers) using IR.

  • We conduct reviews and studies to determine the best methods and formats for accountability, faculty evaluation support, and Faculty Profiles Database on researchmap.
  • We develop necessary contents for the Faculty Profiles Database.
  • We provide data entry support for faculty, by providing user’s manuals, etc.
  • We provide data input support for batch registration of data using IR.
  • We have also posted a Faculty Profiles Database help desk users guide and FAQ.

IR System Development Support and Operations Management

We have introduced an IR system that centrally manages information on organizations, education, research, etc. scattered throughout the university, and makes possible the convenient use of analysis reports visualized from various perspectives.

  • We conduct reviews and studies to determine the best ways to collect, process, manage, and visualize data related to on-campus and off-campus organizations, education, research, etc.
  • We create and supply analysis reports and propose measures based on those reports.
  • We create analysis reports on request.
  • We manage IR system user authentication.
  • We provide IR information usage support for system users.

Various research and analysis services

In order to release information about the university's operational status to the general public, we respond to surveys being conducted by various parties outside the university. We also use materials from these surveys to support our efforts to improve university performance.

  • We respond to School Basic Surveys.
  • We handle NIAD data analysis collections.
  • We manage allocation based on results-focused performance.
  • We respond to other surveys from government agencies and private organizations.
  • We analyze research capability based on objective data using ELSEVIER's "SciVal".
  • We analyze QS World University Rankings and THE World University Rankings.


The IR Office consists of a Manager and Vice Manager, who lead IR activities; full-time URAs and Technical Assistants, who manage IR operations; and co-executive faculty members and URA in related departments. The IR Office works with the administrative support of the Management Planning Division, Management Planning Department. In addition, with the cooperation of each department, we can collect, process, analyze, and provide the data necessary for IR operations.

IR Strategy Office Organization
Manager Vice President (IR charge)
Vice Manager Vice Presidential Adviser
Staff [Full-time] 2 URAs, 1 Technical Assistant
[Concurrent appointment] 1 Professor of Information Strategy Office, 1 URA
Secretariat Director of Management Planning Department, Manager of Management Planning Division, Deputy Manager of Management Planning Division, Section Head, Leader